Morobe Mission Teachers Orientation 2025
January 23rd, 2025 – Morobe Mission, Papua New Guinea
On January 20th, 2025, Adventist educators from across the Morobe Province gathered at the Two-Mile Mission Conference Room for the annual Morobe Mission Teachers Orientation Program. The event, which began at 11:30 AM, aimed to equip teachers in Adventist mission schools with the spiritual and practical tools needed to enhance their service in both the classroom and the community.
The orientation was opened with a devotion by Morobe Mission President, Pastor Kua Nugai, who emphasized the divine calling of educators, inspiring them to view their roles as missionaries sent from God. This set a spiritual tone for the sessions that followed.

Mrs. Keliwin, Associate Education Director for the Papua New Guinea Union Mission (PNGUM), led a session on the "School for Life" approach, which integrates biblical principles into teaching. She highlighted the Bible as the ultimate textbook and encouraged teachers to create transformative learning experiences grounded in scripture, specifically 2 Timothy 3:16.
Her other session was focused on lifestyle choices within Adventist schools, addressing key areas like Appearance, Music, Social Relationships, Sabbath Keeping, and Work Ethics. Teachers were reminded of their role in modeling Christlike behavior to foster an environment conducive to both intellectual and spiritual growth.
Minister Samuel Keliwin introduced the Hope Virtual Assistant (Hope VA), emphasizing its role in supporting Adventist schools by facilitating Bible studies, sermon preparation, and health education, ultimately helping to connect individuals with local churches and the broader Adventist community.
The orientation concluded with Mr. Smith Kintau, Morobe Mission Education Director, reviewing the PNGTA Code of Ethics, incorporating it with the Adventist Code of Ethics, and providing insights into the ethical responsibilities of Christian educators.
Teachers received copies of the PNGUM Teachers and Pastors Manual and the PNGUM Teachers Handbook, essential resources for their ongoing professional and spiritual development. The event reinforced the integration of faith and learning, empowering educators to nurture students’ holistic growth in alignment with Adventist principles.