
Our Goal

  • We want to baptize 10 000 new members in addition to the current 20 000 members we have in May 2020 from 200 evangelistic sites.
  • We want to create 5000 small groups from 300 existing Sabbath Schools by June 2020 to make church members become disciples and take care of the newly baptised members through the Sabbath School Classes.

Our Strategy

  • We are organizing 200 sites for local evangelists and visiting evangelists to preach in the month of May 2020. Each site is expected to baptize 50 new souls as the minimum. The first two weeks of May is targeted for Lae, Markham 1, and Markham 2 Districts. All Evangelists with their Pastors come to Lae for a weekend Retreat and Briefing before we march into the battle field of Markham 1, Markham 2, and Lae District according to the schedule and plan.
  • The last two weeks of May is for all other Districts. Evangelists and Pastors follow the schedule to go out and preach.
  • June is schedule for Kabwum and Siassi
  • School of Evangelism in July from 7th – 21st 2019 is focus on training 120 Evangelists who will be responsible to prepare Local Church Leaders to organize and plan cottage meetings, community service activities and Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria ministry that lead to organizing the big meetings.

Our Approach: Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria 24/7 Ministry

Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria 24/7 Ministry is an initiative of Morobe Mission pre and post evangelism process applying the biblical command of Jesus as recorded in the book of Acts 1:8.

Our first mission field to prepare baptismal candidates for 2020 is our Jerusalem. Our nuclear families must be connected to Christ. Check and see that every family member who is eligible for baptism is not left out.

Then the next field of evangelism is our neighbours and church members. Specifically partners, spouses and extended family members who are not yet baptized. We also include in this group the parents who are not Adventist but their children are faithful to church. These group of people are already in our playing field to prepare them for baptism in May 2020.

Lastly, Samaria and the uttermost part of the world is where we take the message into the streets and run big campaigns and reap the Harvest in May.

Our baptismal candidates for baptism for May 2020 should be confirmed by the end of March 2020. This means the local churches must start preparing and doing the ground work.

Our nurturing process to make new converts grow into maturity is done through our Sabbath School Classes also known as small groups.

Some Guidelines

Monitoring, Evaluation and Sustainability 

The Local Mission Evangelism Committee will coordinate and monitor the progress and growth of Evangelism. Each evangelist is required to produce a report every quarter to the Mission Evangelism Coordinator. Evaluation and recommendations for improvement will be made every quarter upon receiving reports for further resourcing and empowering of the work.

District Evangelism Committee will work with the Local Mission Evangelism Committee for resources and fund its growth and process.

Yearly activities for each quarter will have Evangelism program that includes nurturing and multiplying members into disciples through Sabbath School Classes.

Evangelism will now be inbuilt into the structure to function maintaining Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria 24/7 Ministry approach.


We will organize our state schools and mission schools for evangelism according to their context. There are some boarding schools and someday schools. A meeting will be called for Teachers through the Education director to organize when, what and how we can do Evangelism. Their plan is in progress and will soon be made known by our Education Director.

Children’s Program

Option 1: Our Children are our priority. The first one hour of our public meetings in all our locations from 6:00pm to 7:00pm is for our Children to run their programs. Children’s’ Ministry Director with the field pastors and coordinators will organize their programs before the adult evangelist take on the pulpit to preach at 7:00 pm every night.

Option 2: Children can have their own full week of Public Evangelistic Meeting according to the strengths and availability of the coordinators and Districts in consultation with the Mission Director

The Adults Program

The adults main preaching should start with a special item and introducing the preacher of the hour to take the stages and conclude with the last item with prayer from the evangelist. We do no need too many people to take the stage to run another program before the preacher like a worship service in the church. Pray power house must be built close to the pulpit for our prayer warriors with the coordinating team to uphold the evangelist and the program.

Our pulpits should not be over decorated sinking the preacher in the midst of the flowers. It should be simple and plain.

Health Evangelism

Option 1: Health evangelism for all ages is always available for the first 15 minutes before the main preacher preaches. This is optional and applicable only for those who are trained and have health messages to present.

Option 2: Run full pure Health Evangelistic Meeting. This will be coordinated and conducted by our Health Director.


• Our first baptismal candidates to be confirmed are our Adventist kids. Our children who are above 11 years of age should be natured and we seek their conscience for baptism in May 2020. In the same manner our Adventist members whose spouses that are not yet baptized must be visited and nurtured for their conscience to baptize.

• Children whose parents are not Adventists are very special for pre evangelism through Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria 24/7 ministry to seek their conscience for Baptism as well.

• Then our last place to look for baptism candidates will be confirmed from our baptismal classes.

• The Local church board must understand these three levels of recommendation of names to be confirm for Baptism.

• Due date for all confirm list and number of those that are ready for baptism in 2020 is March 29th 2020.

• The Local Church board will approve names and organize their certificates as usual. Mass baptismal date for all our sites including Papua New Guinea in 2020 is May 16th.

Street and Market Evangelism

Our street preachers who are trained will coordinate all Morobe Street and Market Preaching including Young Creek and 41 Mile nightly meetings.

A schedule will be drawn by the leader and submitted to the Local Mission and the District Director for all the day evangelistic preaching every 12:00 midday to 1:30 pm from May 1st – 29th 2020. More than 20 sites will be schedule with the preachers from the Mission as well as the street preachers. The schedule will be rearranged after May.


In the history of Morobe Mission we have never baptize 10 000 people in any one year which is our minimum target in 2020. However, we are now sure and have confidence in God that we will definitely go beyond 10 000 new souls in May 2020 with our current active membership of 20 000 people.

Our approach with our guidelines are simple and clear for all Local Churches to follow. We appeal to our leaders and readers to pray that we will reap a good harvest by May 2020.

God Bless you all

Pr. Enosh Enopa
